Are you looking for accommodation in Ikaria for your summer holidays? Book a room in our guesthouse! Follow the link to simply book a room in Ikaria, without participating in Greek language classes or other activities

The guesthouse is located in a wooded area 1.5 Km outside the mountain settlement of Arethousa and 3 Km above the seaside Karavostamo. The view to the mountain and the sea from the guesthouse is enchanting and the contact with nature is immediate. You will enjoy the scenery and the tranquility of nature in a magical location, between the mountain and the sea.

All rooms are double occupancy, with private bathroom and kitchenette. If you are not participating in a course or activity we are organizing and you just want to reserve a room for a short stay in Ikaria, please follow the link below, to check availability and make your reservation

Life at the guesthouse

Accommodation at Ikarian Centre is perfect for those who wish for an experience off the beaten path. Here you can enjoy a course or simple holidays combined with a healthy dose of nature and community, not to mention the opportunity to become better acquainted with the local Ikarian culture (which may make have you believing you just stepped out of a time machine). Although participants will have their own private space, the larger areas of the facilities – the patio, classrooms, and common kitchen – provide a place for teachers, students of Greek language students, participants of other activities, or simple guests to come together for learning, for discussions, for meals, and for enjoyment. During our Greek language courses, the scheduled afternoon/evening activities, like traditional dance lessons, learning to sing Greek songs, film screenings and slide shows, create a learning environment outside the classroom that makes the students’ stay more productive, interesting and fun. Additionally, spontaneous activities such as hiking, going out to authentic local tavernas, ‘cooking evenings’ or film screenings, occur during our free time, according to the mood of the group.


Simple meals ARE ALSO served during our courses and activities, for the participants of these events. Our guests may always use the kitchenette in their room or the common kitchen in order to prepare their breakfast and meals. In the nearby village of Arethousa and Karavostamo (less than 10 min by car) there are cafes, and tavernas. You can also find grocery stores in Evdilos and Karavostamo. The cost of living in Ikaria is still quite inexpensive: A meal at one of the local tavernas costs about €15 (including wine).

Local transport

We facilitate the transport of our students and other participants in the courses and hikes we organize. If you come for a course or a hike, you will be able to visit the surrounding villages and beaches without having to rent a car. However, if you want to be free to go where you want whenever you decide, you can rent a car or a scooter. Guest they reserve a room for a short stay without participating in our courses and activities must bring their own vehicle with them

Amenities & Location

All rooms are twin occupancy, with two single beds that can be joined without leaving a gap in the middle. Each room has a separate external entrance and includes a kitchenette and a private bathroom. All rooms are all well heated. The guesthouse facilities also include a small library-reading room, a common kitchen and several courtyards and covered areas where one can sit alone or meet with other guests. All areas have good wifi access. In summary, in the guesthouse you will find:

  • twin occupancy rooms,
  • separate external entrance for each room
  • two separate beds in each room (however you can connect them without leaving a gap between the mattresses)
  • fully equipped kitchenette (with stove and refrigerator in each room
  • bathroom in each room,
  • heating,
  • bed sheets and towels,
  • fast Internet and wifi in every room and yard
  • free use of washing machine,
  • common kitchen,
  • common reading – study room
  • private parking

The guesthouse on google maps