[:en]Greek literature course for non-native speakers{:el]Μάθημα ελληνικής λογοτεχνίας για ξένους[:]

Greek literature course for Greek language students

The Greek literature course for Greek language students we will work with literary texts in Greek, in simplified form. The course is aimed at students of modern Greek who want to have a first acquaintance with Greek literature and are able to communicate in Greek - Nov. 10th - 17th 2024 The lessons revolve around a form of Greek literature
Learning Greek in Greece, island Ikaria

Learning Greek in Greece – Teaching method

Learning Greek in Greece, at Ikarian Centre means: The teacher speaks as little as possible in the class, and encourages students to speak instead. The number of students per class is very small; from 1 up to 4 students maximum. During 2 hours (120') of instruction per day, students have the opportunity to talk a lot in the class. In addition, we try
Learning Greek in Greece - Levels

Learning Greek in Greece – Levels

The students of each course will be divided into different classes, according their levels, their accrual needs and the speed at which they can move forward in the lesson. The classes are formed after the students arrive for the course. Maximum number of participants per class: 4 students. If a student cannot fit in a class attends a private lesson
Greek language lessons

Greek course in Easter 2024, island Ikaria, Greece

The Greek lessons organized during the Orthodox Easter period include in their activities the participation of the students in the customs of Easter. Orthodox Easter 2024 is on Sunday May 5 and the course is aimed at complete beginners and basic users of Greek language. You can check your level and register here. If you come, you will get to